2025 | |
17-01-2025 | Christian Wallumrød Ensemble performing with the film ‘Where Man Returns’ by Egil Håskjold Larsen Italy, Milano Cineteca |
14-03-2025 | Christian Wallumrød Ensemble Netherland, Tilburg Paradox |
15-03-2025 | Christian Wallumrød Ensemble Switzerland, Geneva AMR |
Previous concerts
29-08-2007 Christian Wallumrød with Xavier Charles,
Ivar Grydeland, Ingar Zach
Norway, Oslo
Belleville01-09-2007 Christian Wallumrød with Xavier Charles,
Ivar Grydeland, Ingar Zach
Norway, Kristiansand
Punkt Festival05-09-2007 Close Erase
Norway, Levanger06-09-2007 Close Erase
Norway, Inderøy07-09-2007 Close Erase
Norway, Trondheim12-09-2007 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Norway, Olso
Belleville14-09-2007 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Sweden, Göteborg05-10-2007 Christian Wallumrød duo w/ Per Oddvar Johansen
Italy, Bologna
REC festival10-10-2007 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Heidelberg
Enjoy Jazz | Karlstorbahnhof27-10-2007 Christian Wallumrød w/ Jim Denley and Ichiraku
France, Fresnes en Woëvre
Densités Festival06-11-2007 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet) *
Germany, München
Allerheiligenhofkirche07-11-2007 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet) *
Switzerland, Basel
Gare Du Nord08-11-2007 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet) *
Switzerland, Zürich
Kirche St. Peter09-11-2007 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet) *
Switzerland, Bern* part of a triple tour with Nik Bärtsch 'mobile' and Bazar Blå 10-11-2007 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Norway, Porsgrunn16-11-2007 Christian Wallumrød duo w/ Ståle Storløkken
Norway, Trondheim
Fri Resonans Festival17-11-2007 Dans Les Arbres (Christian Wallumrød, Xavier Charles,
Ivar Grydeland, Ingar Zach)
Italy, Cagliari
Expo23-11-2007 Merriwinkle
Norway, Olso
Belleville09-12-2007 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Kampen Kirk -
13-01-2008 Christian Wallumrød - solo concert
Norway, Oslo - Deichmanske Bibliotek
All Ears Festival16-01-2008 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Norway, Kongsberg
Jazzevidence20-01-2008 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Norway, Kristiansand25-01-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Kongsberg
Gloger-festspill26-01-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Sweden, Hamburgsund
Gerlesborgsskolan01-02-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset02-02-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Harstad
Ilios festival18-02-2008 Sidsel Endresen Session / Merriwinkle
Norway, Olso
Belleville22-02-2008 Christian Wallumrød - solo concert
Norway, Oslo - Jakob kirke
ByLarm15-03-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Voss
Vossajazz Festival08-04-2008 Christian Wallumrød w/ Vertex
Norway, Trondheim
Blæst09-04-2008 Christian Wallumrød w/ Vertex
Norway, Oslo
Sound of Mu23-04-2008 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Norway, Bergen
Landmark24-04-2008 Audun Kleive 'Generator X'
Norway, Inderøy
Soddjazz Festival14-05-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Italy, Milano15-05-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Zürich
Rote Fabrik16-05-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Austria, Wels24-05-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Bergen
Nattjazz Festival25-05-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter30-05-2008 Close Erase
Norway, Oslo
Nasjonal Jazzscene, Victoria31-05-2008 Close Erase
Norway, Bergen
Nattjazz Festival07-06-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Italy, Ferrara
Aterforum Festival15-06-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Germany, Berlin
Festival Shared Sounds | Radialsystem V02-07-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Kongsberg
Kongsberg Jazzfestival18-07-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Molde - Domkirken
Molde Jazzfestival14-08-2008 Close Erase
Norway, Oslo
Oslo Jazzfestival21-09-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Oslo
Henie Onstad Kunstsenter15-10-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Vikersund
Modum Bad18-10-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Stavanger
St. Petri Kirke02-11-2008 Christian Wallumrød duo w/ Per Oddvar Johansen
Norway, Trondheim
Syntens Dag / Ringve Museum03-11-2008 Dans Les Arbres
France, Metz04-11-2008 Dans Les Arbres
France, Paris
Instants Chavirés09-11-2008 Christian Wallumrød w/ Kim Myhr and Pierre-Yves Martel
Norway, Trondheim
Ringve Museum15-11-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Trondheim
Free Resonans Festival27-11-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
United Kingdom, Bristol
St George’s28-11-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
United Kingdom, Oxford
Holywell Music Room Contemporary Music29-11-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
United Kingdom, Leeds
Leeds Jazz | Seven30-11-2008 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
United Kingdom, Manchester
Royal Northern College of Music13-12-2008 Dans Les Arbres
Italy, Roma
Casa Del Jazz -
15-01-2009 Close Erase
Norway, Stavanger
Sting28-01-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
Belgium, Brussels
Espace Senghor30-01-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
Netherlands, Amsterdam
Bimhuis31-01-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
Netherlands, Groningen
De Oosterpoort28-02-2009 Christian Wallumrød with Streifenjunko
Norway, Olso
Academy of Music18-03-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Levanger
Høgskolen / Campus19-03-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Oslo
Nasjonale Jazzscene / Victoria20-03-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Drammen
Drammens Teater22-03-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Ål
folkmusic service / Ål kyrkje22-03-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Ål
Kulturhuset27-03-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Germany, Schorndorf
Manufaktur29-03-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Germany, München
Jazzlines Festival08-05-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Fredrikstad
Kulturhuset Blå Grotte09-05-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Bergen
Avgarde / USF10-05-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Tromsø
Banksalen31-05-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Italy, Novara
Novara Jazz Festival01-06-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Italy, Foligno07-06-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Switzerland, Zürich
Taktlos20-06-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Germany, Berlin
Shared Sounds27-06-2009 Christian Wallumrød with Arve Henriksen and Nils Økland
Germany, Berlin
Kleisthaus / Norwegian Embassy09-07-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Spain, Barcelona
Joan Miró Museum14-07-2009 Christian Wallumrød with Kim Myhr & TJO
Norway, Molde
Molde Jazzfestival15-07-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
Norway, Molde
Molde Jazzfestival18-07-2009 Christian Wallumrød with Crimetime Orchestra
Norway, Molde
Molde Jazzfestival01-08-2009 Christian Wallumrød with Kim Myhr & TJO
Norway, Trondheim
Olavsfestdagene10-09-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (quartet)
Germany, Rüsselsheim
Jazzfabrik28-10-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Sweden, Göteborg
Artisten29-10-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret31-10-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset01-11-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Germany, Ingolstadt
Festival / 26. Ingolstädter Jazztage02-11-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Germany, München
schwere reiter03-11-2009 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Germany, Nürnberg
Tafelhalle04-12-2009 Dans Les Arbres
France, Nantes
Pannonica05-12-2009 Dans Les Arbres
France, Tours
Total Meeting Festival08-12-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Bern
Dampfzentrale09-12-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Geneve
AMR/Cave1210-12-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Nasjonale Jazzscene / Victoria12-12-2009 Dans Les Arbres
Sweden, Hamburgsund
Gerlesborgsskolan -
13-01-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Arendal14-01-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Skien
Ibsenhuset10-02-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Netherlands, Tilburg
Paradox11-02-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Belgium, Gent
Vooruit12-02-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Philharmonie13-02-2010 Dans Les Arbres
France, Paris
Radio France27-02-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
USA, Portland
Portland Jazz Festival11-03-2010 Christian Wallumrød with Kim Myhr & TJO
Norway, Oslo
Gamle Logen12-03-2010 Christian Wallumrød with Kim Myhr & TJO
Norway, Bergen
Borealis Festival13-03-2010 Christian Wallumrød with Kim Myhr & TJO
Norway, Stavanger
Tou Scene14-04-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Austria, Vienna
Porgy & Bess16-04-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset09-05-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Sweden, Göteborg
GAS-festival19-05-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Canada, Toronto
The Music Gallery20-05-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Canada, Jonquiere
Festival des Musiques de Création22-05-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Canada, Victoriaville
FIMAV23-05-2010 Christian Wallumrød with Kim Myhr & TJO
Canada, Victoriaville
FIMAV03-06-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården04-08-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Kristiansand
Domkirke18-08-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Oslo
Oslo Jazz Festival03-09-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Oslo
SIC28-09-2010 Christian Wallumrød w/Per Oddvar Johansen
and Ivar Grydeland
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården21-10-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Norway, Oslo
Music Academy31-10-2010 Christian Wallumrød (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Henie Onstad Arts Centre13-11-2010 Christian Wallumrød w/Sidsel Endresen
Norway, Trondheim
Fri Resonans Festival26-11-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Switzerland, Lugano
RSI (Radio Svizzera)27-11-2010 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble (sextet)
Italy, Milano
Auditorium Di Vittorio, Atelier Musicale XVII07-12-2010 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Chicago/IL
Chicago Cultural Center08-12-2010 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Philadelphia/PA
Ars Nova Workshop09-12-2010 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Brooklyn/NY
Issue Project Room11-12-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Canada, Montreal
Lenvers12-12-2010 Dans Les Arbres
Canada, Montreal
Sala Rossa14-12-2010 Dans Les Arbres
France, Thoinville -
18-01-2011 Electric Pansori (Christian Wallumrød, Per Oddvar Johansen and Ivar Grydeland)
Norway, Oslo
MIR19-01-2011 Electric Pansori (Christian Wallumrød, Per Oddvar Johansen and Ivar Grydeland)
Norway, Skien
Sitt Ned Kafé20-01-2011 Electric Pansori (Christian Wallumrød, Per Oddvar Johansen and Ivar Grydeland)
Norway, Bø
Bø Jazzklubb21-01-2011 Electric Pansori (Christian Wallumrød, Per Oddvar Johansen and Ivar Grydeland)
Norway, Voss
Voss Jazzklubb22-01-2011 Electric Pansori (Christian Wallumrød, Per Oddvar Johansen and Ivar Grydeland)
Norway, Finse
Finsejazz23-01-2011 Electric Pansori (Christian Wallumrød, Per Oddvar Johansen and Ivar Grydeland)
Norway, Bergen
Playdate / Landmark08-02-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Sweden, Malmø
Palladium09-02-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Denmark, Århus
Atlas10-02-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Denmark, Copenhagen
Brorsons kirke11-02-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Stallen
Horten Jazzklubb12-02-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Stavanger
Skur220-02-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Germany, Berlin
Exploratorium11-03-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Tilburg
Paradox13-03-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Høvikodden
Henie Onstad Arts Centre30-03-2011 solo
Norway, Oslo
Fristil, National Jazzscene05-04-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Lebanon, Beirut
Irtijal festival13-04-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset14-04-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret (Ny Musikk)16-04-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Voss
Vossajazz26-04-2011 Electric Pansori
Norway, Trondheim
PØKK27-04-2011 Electric Pansori
Norway, Stavanger
StaJazz, Cementen14-05-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Spain, Valencia
Ensems Festival for Contemporary Music15-05-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Spain, Huesca19-05-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Italy, Bologna
Angelica festival20-05-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Bologna
Angelica festival26-05-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Bergen
Festspillene29-05-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Russia, St. Petersburg22-07-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Molde
Moldejazz18-08-2011 Christian Wallumrød w/Susanne Sundfør, Morten Qvenild, Øystein Moen, Ådne Meisfjord
Norway, Oslo
Sentrum Scene / Oslo Jazz Festival02-09-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Kristiansand
punkt festival04-09-2011 solo
Norway, Oslo
Kulturens Venner / Schafteløkken08-09-2011 Electric Pansori
Norway, Kongsberg
Energimølla12-09-2011 solo
Norway, Haugesund
Billedgalleriet22-09-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bill with Moskus Trio
Norway, Oslo
IKM / Grønland23-09-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Bergen
Bergen Jazzforum13-10-2011 Christian Wallumrød w/Villalobos & Loderbauer
Poland, Krakow
Unsound Festival20-10-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
United Kingdom, Gateshead
The Sage22-10-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
United Kingdom, London
Kings Place24-10-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
United Kingdom, Bristol
St George25-10-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
United Kingdom, Manchester
RNCM26-10-2011 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
United Kingdom, York
University of York02-11-2011 Christian Wallumrød w/Mikado
Norway, Oslo
Fristil / Victoria24-11-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Bergen
Korskirken (Ny Musikk)25-11-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Music Academy (daytime)25-11-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Bidrobon26-11-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Stavanger
Skur2 (Ny Musikk)27-11-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Germany, Munich
MUG / Offene Ohren29-11-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Slovenia, Ljubliana
Cancarjev Dom13-12-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Tokyo
Gendai University14-12-2011 Dans Les Arbres with Otomo Yoshihide
Japan, Tokyo
Pit in15-12-2011 Dans Les Arbres with Yumiko Tanaka
Japan, Tokyo
Pit in17-12-2011 Dans Les Arbres with Jim O'Rourke
Japan, Tokyo
Forest Limit18-12-2011 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Osaka
Nu Things -
29-01-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/Ole Morten Vågan & Erik Nylander
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret15-02-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Leipzig
Alte Handelsbörse16-02-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Berlin
Passionskirche03-03-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Austria, Vienna
Odeon Theatre08-03-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/Sunnmøre Syreorkester
Norway, Ålesund09-03-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/Sunnmøre Syreorkester
Norway, Valldal10-03-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/Sunnmøre Syreorkester
Norway, Ulsteinvik15-03-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset16-03-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bill with Slagr
Norway, Oslo
Riksscenen22-03-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/Garth Knox & Karl Seglem
Norway, Oslo
Conexions / Victoria30-04-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Bolzano02-05-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Modena
Galleria Civica03-05-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Brescia04-05-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Padova
Ostinati 2012 festival04-06-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Zürich
Exil05-06-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
MIR07-06-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Novara Jazz Festival25-06-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/ Karl Seglem
Norway, Harstad
Festspillene i NordNorge10-07-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/ Garth Knox and Karl Seglem
UK, London
St Lukes12-07-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/ Fredrik Wallumrød
Norway, Oslo
Sagene Kulturverksted / [sic!]17-07-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/Merz!! (theater performance)
Norway, Molde01-09-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Fall
MOMBI Festival11-09-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/ Kim Myhr and
Trondheim JazzOrch
Norway, Oslo
Ultima28-09-2012 Dans Les Arbres
France, Paris
Crak Festival at Eglise St. Merri06-10-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Czech Republic, Praha
Babel Prague Festival at Archa Theater08-11-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/ Sidsel Endresen / Streifenjunko / Vilde & Inga
Norway, Oslo
Victoria13-11-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Trondheim
blæst14-11-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Victoria15-11-2012 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Bergen
USF, Bergen Jazzforum21-11-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
UK, Leeds
>Leeds College of Music23-11-2012 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Belgium, Gent
Vooruit01-12-2012 Christian Wallumrød w/ PGA
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården -
01-02-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Turkey, Istanbul
Borusan Music House08-03-2013 Christian Wallumrød solo (electronics)
Norway, Bergen
Borealis festival02-04-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Tokyo
Super Deluxe03-04-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Kyoto
Urbanguild04-04-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Kobe
Guggenheim House05-04-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Osaka
>Nu Things06-04-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Japan, Chiba
Candy07-04-2013 Dans Les Arbres w/Yumiko Tanaka
Japan, Tokyo
Koen-Dori Classics at 14:30h07-04-2013 Christian Wallumrød (solo)
Japan, Tokyo
Karura Hall, Kyodo, Setagaya at 19:30h09-04-2013 Christian Wallumrød duo w/Jonas Cambien
Norway, Oslo
Music Academy26-05-2013 'When celebrities dream of casual sleep (second try)' for orchestra
Orchestra Teatro Comunale di Bologna,
Cond: Marco Angius
Italy, Bologna
AngelicA Festival Internazionale di Musica31-05-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Melbourne
Melbourne Int. Jazzfestival01-06-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Melbourne
Melbourne Int. Jazzfestival03-06-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Sydney
NOW NOW04-06-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Sydney
Jazz Groove06-06-2013 Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Perth
Tura New Music20-06-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
USA, Washington DC
Twins Jazz21-06-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Rubin Museum22-06-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
USA, Philadelphia
Art Alliance23-06-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
USA, Rochester
International Jazz Festival24-06-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Canada, Ottawa
International Jazz Festival26-06-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Canada, Vancouver
International Jazz Festival24-07-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Austria, Krems11-09-2013 When celebrities dream of casual sleep (second try)
for orchestra
KORK, cond: Jonathan Stockhammer
Norway, Oslo
Ultima Festival12-09-2013 Streifenjunko w/Sofia Jernberg and
Christian Wallumrød
Norway, Oslo
Ultima Festival19-09-2013 Christian Wallumrød w/PGA
Norway, Haugesund
Fartein Valen festival21-09-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oppdal25-10-2013 Dans Les Arbres
France, Fresnes-en-Woëvre
Festival Densité10-11-2013 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Den Bosch
November Music -
16-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret/Kampenjazz20-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Victoria21-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Tilburg
Paradox22-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Amsterdam
Bimhuis23-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
UK, Bristol
St George's25-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
UK, London
Vortex26-02-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
France, Paris
Maison de Norvège11-03-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter
Norway, Bergen
Landmark/Playdate19-03-2014 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Gjøvik
Resonans20-03-2014 Dans Les Arbres (with The Norwegian Wind Ensemble)
Norway, Moss21-03-2014 Dans Les Arbres (with The Norwegian Wind Ensemble)
Norway, Oslo
Kulturkirken Jakob27-03-2014 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Victoria23-04-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Japan, Kyoto
RAG24-04-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Japan, Jyoetsu
Jyokoji (Temple)25-04-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Japan, Tokyo
Karura Hall26-04-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Japan, Kobe
Kyu-Guggenheim-Tei27-04-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Pit Inn | 15h25-05-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Bergen
Nattjazz Festival02-07-2014 commissioned work w/Trondheim Jazzorchestra
line up: Ivar Grydeland, Lars Ove Fossheim, Anja Lauvdal, Espen Reinertsen, Eivind Lønning, Heida Mobeck, Fredrik Wallumrød, Siv Øyunn Kjenstad, Michael Duch, Christian Wallumrød
Norway, Kongsberg
Kongsberg Jazz Festival14-07-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Sidsel Endresen Sextet
Norway, Molde
Moldejazz16-07-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Merriwinkle
Norway, Molde
Moldejazz29-08-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Kim Myhr, Jenny Hval & TJO
France, Mulhouse
Météo Festival09-09-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Jim Denley
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out/MIR30-09-2014 Christian Wallumrød solo
Philharmonie (Yoga & Music, w/Lisa Stepf)2014 15-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
England, York
York University17-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Scotland, Edinburgh
Queens Hall18-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Wageningen
Teater Junushoff20-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Eindhoven
Axesjazzpower21-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Maasmechelen
CC Maasmechelen22-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Switzerland, Bern
Bee Flat25-10-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter
Norway, Oslo
Jassbox/Victoria02-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres (double bill with Kim Myhr)
USA, Philadelphia
Ars Nova Workshop03-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres
TBA04-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Colorado Springs
UCCS05-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Colorado Springs
UCCS06-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Chicago
Umbrella Festival/Chicago Cultural Center07-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres
USA, Minneapolis
Crow with no mouth08-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres (double bill with Tim Hodgkinson)
USA, Oakland
Mills College10-11-2014 Dans Les Arbres (double bill with Kim Myhr)
USA, Portland
The Old Church03-12-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/students from
the University of Stavanger
Norway, Stavanger
Blå Trå27-12-2014 Christian Wallumrød w/Audun Kleive, Ole Morten Vågan, Ronny Le Tekrø
Norway, Porsgrunn
Kafé K -
07-01-2015 Christian Wallumrød
Barolo+Murakami premiers Christian's piece 'Fortis'
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården17-01-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter
Vanntårnet/Nesodden Jazzklubb23-02-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter
Norway, Oslo
Kulturhuset28-02-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Rovereto
Sala Filarmonica02-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Romania, Bucharest
National Theatre03-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Modena
Teatro delle Passioni04-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Rome
Casa del Jazz06-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Moss
tba07-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter and Ivar Grydeland
Norway, Oslo
Serendip festival @ The Norwegian Academy of Music10-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Brutter
Norway, Ål
Fryd Scene23-03-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Johan Lindvall and Jan Martin Gismervik
Norway, Trondheim
PØKK21-04-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Norwegian Academy of Music22-04-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Norwegian Academy of Music01-05-2015 Christian Wallumrød (solo)
Belgium, Ghent
Citadelic12-05-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/extended ground
Norway, Oslo
Kulturhuset16-05-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Avant Gong & Helge Norbakken
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Academy of Music22-05-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Michael Duch & David Stackenäs
Norway, Trondheim30-05-2015 Dans Les Arbres
France, Sault
La Phare á Lucioles31-05-2015 Dans Les Arbres
France, Sault
La Phare á Lucioles13-07-2015 Christian Wallumrød w/Espen Reinertsen & Trondheim Jazzorchestra
Norway, Molde
Moldejazz19-07-2015 Dans Les Arbres
France, Pont de Barret
PLI Festival29-07-2015
02-08-2015Trondheim Voices performs 'Musikk for Gjestehus' by Christan Wallumrød as part of Gjestehus
Norway, Trondheim
Olavsfestdagene30-07-2015 Christan Wallumrød and Ingar Zach participates in Gjestehus
Norway, Trondheim
Olavsfestdagene08-08-2015 piece for cello ensemble by Christan Wallumrød
Norway, Reine/Lofoten
Cellolyd26-08-2015 Dans Les Arbres
France, Mulhouse
Festival METEO11-09-2015 Dans Les Arbres performance in ��rets Teater� by Henrik Hellstenius
Norway, Oslo
Den Norske Opera / Ultima Festival/td>12-09-2015 Dans Les Arbres performance in ��rets Teater� by Henrik Hellstenius
Norway, Oslo
Den Norske Opera / Ultima Festival13-09-2015 Dans Les Arbres performance in ��rets Teater� by Henrik Hellstenius
Norway, Oslo
Den Norske Opera / Ultima Festival24-09-2015 solo performance
double bill with Gard Nilssen Acoustic Unity
Norway, Oslo
Victoria/Nasjonal Jazzscene11-10-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret/Kampenjazz16-10-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Nyksund18-10-2015 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Cologne
Stadtgarten22-10-2015 Brutter
Norway, Rødbrygga
Inderøy Jazzklubb04-11-2015 ‘Untitled Arpeggios and Pulses’ w/Trondheim Jazzorchestra
Line up: Ivar Grydeland, Lars Ove Fossheim, Anja Lauvdal, Espen Reinertsen, Eivind Lønning, Heida Mobeck, Fredrik Wallumrød, Siv Øyunn Kjenstad, Michael Duch, Christian Wallumrød
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset05-11-2015 ‘Untitled Arpeggios and Pulses’ w/Trondheim Jazzorchestra
Norway, Oslo
Victoria06-11-2015 ‘Untitled Arpeggios and Pulses’ w/Trondheim Jazzorchestra
Norway, Bergen
USF12-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
UK, Newcastle
Newcastle University14-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
UK, London
The Forge/London Jazz festival15-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Bern
Beeflat16-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Geneva
Cave1217-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
France, Paris
Instants Chavires20-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Denmark, Copenhagen
Koncertkirken22-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Kampenjazz/Cafeteatret23-11-2015 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Haugesund
LYD/Haugesund billedgalleri08-12-2015 Brutter
Belgium, Ghent
S.M.A.K09-12-2015 Brutter
Norway, Trondheim
Moskus10-12-2015 Brutter
(dbl bill w/Spill)
Denmark , Copenhagen
Copenhagen Jazzhouse11-12-2015 Brutter
Italy, Bologna
Teatro San Leonardo12-12-2015 Brutter
Italy, Milano
Fondazione Riccardo Catella, GOOVER13-12-2015 Brutter
(dbl bill w/Spill)
Germany, Berlin
Ausland16-12-2015 Brutter
Sweden, Göteborg
Brötz -
28-01-2016 w/Dans Les Arbres
Iceland, Reykjavik
Dark Music Days16-02-2016 solo
(double bill w/The New Songs)
France, Paris
La Dynamo / Banlieues Bleues18-02-2016 3 pianos, w/Ayumi Tanaka and Johan Lindvall
Norway, Oslo
Serendip Festival / The Norwegian Academy of Music13-04-2016 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården25-04-2016 w/Fredrik Rasten/Seshen/Hans P. Kjorstad
Norway, Oslo
Deichmanske Bibliotek21-05-2016 Christian Marclay - Screen Play.
w/ Lasse Marhaug, Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen
Norway, Oslo
Only Connect / Sentralen03-06-2016 w /Håkon Stene, Nils Økland
Norway, Fredrikstad
dok:1618-06-2016 w/ Dans Les Arbres
France, Evreux25-06-2016 w/ Dans Les Arbres
France, Poitiers29-06-2016 3 pianos w/ Ayumi Tanaka and Johan Lindvall
Norway, Oslo
The Norwgian Academy of Music Academy09-07-2016 solo
Norway, Kongsberg
Kongsberg Jazzfestival12-08-2016 w/ Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Spain, Bellver de Cerdanya
Festival Trama17-09-2016 w/Laëtitia Pitz/
France, Metz
Arsenal18-09-2016 w/Laëtitia Pitz/
France, Metz
Arsenal21-09-2016 w/Fredrik Rasten/Seshen/Hans P. Kjorstad
Norway, Oslo
The Norwgian Academy of Music Academy01-10-2016 solo
NOR-CD 25 years
Norway, Oslo
Sentralen09-10-2016 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Ireland, Galway
Galway Jazz Festival18-10-2016 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bill with Geir Sundstøl (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Kulturkirken Jakob20-10-2016 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bill w/Linus + Økland & Van Heertum
Belgium, Ghent
Handelsbeurs04-11-2016 w/ Brutter
Austria, Graz
Open Music12-11-2016 w /Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Stavanger
Folken13-11-2016 w /Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Trondheim
FriForm, Dokkhuset19-11-2016 3 pianos w/ Ayumi Tanaka and Johan Lindvall
Labelnight, Nakama Records
Norway, Oslo
Victoria20-11-2016 w/ Dans Les Arbres
(The Necks 30th anniversary)
Netherland, Amsterdam
Bimhuis23-11-2016 w/Brutter
double bill with Ivar Grydeland (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Deichmanske Grünerløkka26-11-2016 w/ Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Arendal
Bomuldsfabrikken27-11-2016 w/ Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Bidrobon, Biermannsgården -
01-02-2017 solo + w/The New Songs
Japan, Kasciwa
Nardis02-02-2017 solo + w/The New Songs
Japan, Chiba
Candy03-02-2017 solo + w/The New Songs
Japan, Yokohama
Airegin04-02-2017 solo + w/The New Songs
Japan, Tokyo
Pit Inn / Tokyo Northern Lights Festival05-02-2017 w/The New Songs, Yumiko Tanaka, Jim O’Rourke
Japan, Tokyo
Pit Inn16-02-2017 w/Dans Les Arbres
France, Metz
L’Église Saint Maximim17-02-2017 w/Dans Les Arbres
France, Paris
les temps du corps18-02-2017 w/Dans Les Arbres
France, Le Havre
MuMa19-02-2017 w/Dans Les Arbres
France, Brest
Penn Ar Jazz10-03-2017 w/Pip
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Academy of Music16-03-2017 w/Fredrik Rasten/Seshen/Hans P. Kjorstad
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården22-03-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
house concert at the Timani Academy
Henrik Klausens gate 4
concert start: 19.3024-03-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset25-03-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Italy, Bergamo
Bergamo Jazz Festival28-03-2017 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
BlowOut@Mir30-03-2017 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Bergen
Playdate@Landmark31-03-2017 Dans Les Arbres
double bill with Ruben Machtelinckx
Belgium, Antwerp
Zuiderpershuis02-04-2017 Dans Les Arbres
Belgium, Deurle
Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens03-04-2017 Dans Les Arbres
double bill with Andy Moor (solo)
Netherland, Amsterdam
De Ruimte08-04-2017 Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Tønsberg
Nonfigurativ Musikk03-05-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Victoria05-05-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Switzerland, Geneve
AMR08-05-2017 3 pianos w/Ayumi Tanaka and Johan Lindvall
workshop and concert
Norway, Bergen
Grieg Academy06-06-2017 3 pianos w/Ayumi Tanaka and Johan Lindvall
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Academy of Music23-06-2017 3 pianos w/Ayumi Tanaka and Johan Lindvall
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Academy of Music25-06-2017 w/Siri Jøntvedt and Ivar Grydeland
Norway, Oslo
Scenehuset01-07-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Mandal
>Mandaljazz19-10-2017 dance performance with the Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project
Norway, Oslo
Coda Festival20-10-2017 dance performance with the Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project
Norway, Oslo
Coda Festival27-10-2017 Brutter
France, Fresnes-En-Woëvre
Festival Densités11-11-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Belgium, Mechelen
Brand! jazzfestival13-11-2017 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
France, Pantin
La Dynamo de Banlieues Bleues -
09-01-2018 w/Electric Daisy (Kim Myhr, Sofia Jernberg, David Stackenäs, Christian Wallumrød)
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården10-01-2018 w/Electric Daisy (Kim Myhr, Sofia Jernberg, David Stackenäs, Christian Wallumrød)
Sweden, Göteborg
Brötz16-01-2018 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out/Cafe MIR20-01-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres and Laetitia Pitz
France, Metz
L’Arsenal31-01-2018 w/Elliott Sharp, Andrew Wilhite, Inga M.Aas, Martin Taxt, Eivind Lønning
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Academy of Music07-02-2018 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Skien
Spriten Kunsthall08-02-2018 w/Espen Reinertsen and Trondheim Jazzorchestra
Norway, Oslo
Kulturkirken Jakob09-02-2018 w/Espen Reinertsen and Trondheim Jazzorchestra
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset27-02-2018 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Switzerland, Geneva
AMR15-03-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
Greece, Athens
Onassis Cultural Centre16-03-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
Italy, Bologna
Teatro San Leonardo20-03-2018 Solo performances by A.Tanaka, E.Dale, C.Wallumrød
Norway, Oslo
initiation of the new piano at Caféteatret04-04-2018 w/Electric Daisy (Kim Myhr, Sofia Jernberg, David Stackenäs, Christian Wallumrød)
Germany, Berlin
Kimfest08-04-2018 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Bremen
Sendesaal20-04-2018 w/Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk21-04-2018 w/Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Norway, Tønsberg
Nonfigurativ Musikk22-04-2018 w/Electric Daisy (Kim Myhr, Sofia Jernberg, David Stackenäs, Christian Wallumrød)
Norway, Oslo
Kaféteatret26-04-2018 w/Brutter
Norway, Inderøy
Soddjazz Festival27-04-2018 solo
Norway, Inderøy
Soddjazz Festival22-06-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Canberra
Drill Hall Gallery23-06-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
Australia, Sydney
Winter Jazz Series25-06-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres & Speak Percussion
Australia, Melbourne
Before Nighfall26-06-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
New Zealand, Auckland
Audio Foundation27-06-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
New Zealand, Auckland
Audio Foundation05-07-2018 solo section @Fredriksvern Kirke
Norway, Stavern
Kammermusikkfestival07-07-2018 duo w/Magda Mayas
Norway, Kongsberg
Kongsberg Jazzfestival13-09-2018 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Nesodden
Vanntårnet/Nesodden Jazzklubb15-09-2018 w/Mazen Kerbaj & Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Ultima festival25-09-2018 w/Electric Daisy
Sweden, Malmö
Jazz i Malmö02-10-2018 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Bergen
Playdate04-10-2018 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Inderøy
09-10-2018 w/Brutter (dbl bill with Gosheven and Bérangère Maximin)
France, Montreuil
Instant Chavires14-10-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres NB: 2 concerts
Norway, Oslo
Vigelandsmausoleet19-10-2018 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Oslo
Dansens Hus20-10-2018 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Oslo
Dansens Hus21-10-2018 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Oslo
Dansens Hus31-10-2018 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Sentralen01-11-2018 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Molde
Storyville06-11-2018 guest with Valkyrien
Norway, Oslo
Røverstaden09-11-2018 w/Dans Les Arbres
France, Le Mans11-11-2018 w/3 pianos (Tanaka/Lindvall/Wallumrød)
Norway, Stavanger
Ny Musikk14-11-2018 w/3 pianos (Tanaka/Lindvall/Wallumrød)
Norway, Oslo
Pianoverkstedet23-11-2018 w/Electric Daisy
Sweden, Sandviken
Vindöga festival29-11-2018 w/Magda Mayas(dbl bill with Gratkowski/Brown)
Germany, Berlin
Ausland15-12-2018 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Iceland, Reykjavik
Icehot festival16-12-2018 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Iceland, Reykjavik
Kassin -
16-01-2019 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
performing with the film ‘Where Man Returns’ by Egil Håskjold Larsen at Tromsø International Film Festival
Norway, Tromsø
Ishavskatedralen07-02-2019 w/Kim Myhr
Russia, Murmansk
Inversia Festival14-02-2019 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Kirkenes
Barents Spektakel/Friform20-02-2019 w/Anna Petrini & Qarin Wikström
Denmark, Copenhagen
H1526-02-2019 w/Anna Petrini & Qarin Wikström
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk02-03-2019 solo
morning concert, 10am
Norway, Oslo
Sagene Kirke15-03-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres
Switzerland, Zürich
Taktlos Festival16-03-2019 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Oslo
performing with silent movie at Cinemaneuf21-03-2019 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Voss
Gamle Kinoen22-03-2019 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Bergen
02-04-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården03-04-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres
Sweden, Göteborg
Brötz04-04-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres
Germany, Berlin
Petersburg Art Space11-04-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres
Spain, Barcelona
20-04-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty + A list of things he said
Germany, Bremen
Theater Bremen Kleines Haus23-04-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres
Germany, Leipzig
Ostersound Festival25-04-2019 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Bodø
Stormen/Ny Musikk17-05-2019 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Tilburg
Paradox18-05-2019 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Belgium, Turnhout
De Warande (label night with a.o. Ruben Machtelinckx, Niels Van Heertum)28-05-2019 w/Kim Myhr
France, Montreuil
Instants Chavires30-05-2019 w/Kim Myhr
France, Lyon
Nuits Sonore, Périscope08-06-2019 w/Dans Les Arbres and Laetitia Pitz, ‘Danse avec Nathan Golshem’
France, Metz
18-06-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Peru, Lima
Danza Nueva Festival International de Lima19-06-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Peru, Lima
Danza Nueva Festival International de Lima18-07-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Italy, Bassano del Grappa
Teatro Remondini, Operastate Festival Veneto14-08-2019 w/Anna Petrini and Qarin Wikström
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out Festival
17-08-2019 w/Kim Myhr
Norway, Oslo
Sentralen / Oslo Jazz Festival
14-09-2019 Dans les arbres
Mexico, Chihuahua
Festival de Arte Nuevo
15-09-2019 Dans les arbres
Mexico, Chihuahua
masterclass @ Festival de Arte Nuevo
16-09-2019 Dans les arbres
Mexico, Guadalajara
17-09-2019 Dans les arbres w/Alexander Bruck Santos
Mexico, Guadalajara
Teatro Degollado
18-09-2019 Dans les arbres
Mexico, Mexico City
Casa de Francia
28-09-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Porsgrunn
05-10-2019 solo
Lichtenstein, Tangente
09-10-2019 w/ Kim Myhr, Joe Talia and Tatsuhisa Yamamoto
Japan, Tokyo
10-10-2019 w/ Kim Myhr
Japan, Tokyo
12-10-2019 w/ Kim Myhr and Ken Ikeda
Japan, Tokyo
Oto oto
13-10-2019 w/ Kim Myhr
Japan, Tokyo
23-10-2019 w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Nynorskens Hus
29-10-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Sandnes
31-10-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Haugesund
06-11-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Hammerfest
19-11-2019 w/Pinquins
Norway, Oslo
22-11-2019 Dans les arbres
France, Caen
Festival Les Boréales23-11-2019 Dans les arbres
France, Tours
Le Petit Faucheux24-11-2019 Dans les arbres
France, Lille
Muzzix25-11-2019 Dans les arbres
Norway, Oslo
SOFA label night - Cafeteatret27-11-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Tromsø
30-11-2019 w/Ingun Bjørnsgaard Project - Notes on frailty
Norway, Mo i Rana
23-01-2020 Dans les arbres w/Laetitia Pitz: Danse avec Nathan Golshem by Lutz Bassmann
France, Nancy
CCAM, Scéne Nationale de Vandoevre08-02-2020 solo
Norway, Oslo
Dans for voksne, Sinsen Sentral12-03-2020 CANCELLED:
Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Norway, Lillehammer
Lillehammer Experimental13-03-2020 CANCELLED:
Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Gerlesborgsskolan14-03-2020 CANCELLED:
Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Berlin, Germany
KM2817-03-2020 CANCELLED:
Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Norway, Gjøvik
NyMusikk Innlandet18-03-2020 CANCELLED:
Brutter (double bill with Spill)
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården22-03-2020 CANCELLED (concert moved to October 11)
w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
(release new album)
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret, Kampenjazz26-03-2020 CANCELLED (concert moved to January 25, 2021)
w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
UK, London
Café Oto30-03-2020 CANCELLED
w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Ål Kulturhus15-04-2020 CANCELLED (concert moved to November 15)
Dans les arbres
Austria, Vienna
Echoraum16-04-2020 CANCELLED (concert moved to November 12)
Dans les arbres
Germany, Cologne
Stadtgarten17-04-2020 CANCELLED (concert moved to September 19)
Dans les arbres
Germany, Berlin
Ausland22-04-2020 CANCELLED (concert moved to January 27, 2021)
w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset23-04-2020 CANCELLED
w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Soddjazz Festival28-04-2020 CANCELLED
w/Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Norwegian Academy of Music8-05-2020 w/Ensemble Allegria
Norway, Oslo
Gyldendalhuset11-05-2020 Dans les arbres
Switzerland, Lucerne
Masterclass @ Lucerne School of Music12-05-2020 Dans les arbres
Switzerland, Lucerne
Masterclass @ Lucerne School of Music (daytime)12-05-2020 Dans les arbres
Switzerland, Lucerne
Mullbau (evening)08-08-2021 solo + other solos: Ayumi Tanaka, Kjetil Jerve, Guoste Tamulynaite
Norway, Oslo
Kafe Hærverk08-09-2020 w/Brutter
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out/Kafe Hærverk18-09-2020 w/Ensemble Allegria
Norway, Oslo
Gyldendalhuset11-10-2020 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret/Kampenjazz14-10-2020 Christian Wallumrød solo
(double bill w/Niklas Adam & Jon Wesseltoft)
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk29-10-2020 w/Anna Petrini & Qarin Wikström
Sweden, Uppsala
tba03-11-2020 Dans les arbres
Norway, Gjøvik
NyMusikk Innlandet05-11-2020 CANCELLED
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, München
Schwere Reiter06-11-2020 CANCELLED
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Bremen
Sendesaal07-11-2020 CANCELLED
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Lichtenstein, Eschen
Tangente10-11-2020 CANCELLED
Dans les arbres
Switzerland, Luzern
tba11-11-2020 CANCELLED
Dans les arbres
Belgium, Brussels
Walter12-11-2020 CANCELLED
Dans les arbres
Germany, Cologne
Stadtgarten13-11-2020 CANCELLED
Dans les arbre
Germany, Berlin
Ausland15-11-2020 CANCELLED
Dans les arbres
Austria, Vienna
Echoraum20-11-2020 CANCELLED
w/ Vilde & Inga
Norway, Kongsberg
Kongsberg Jazz -
26-01-2021 CANCELLED
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Ål
Ål Kulturhus27-01-2021 CANCELLED
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset30-01-2021 CANCELLED
Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Bodø
Ad Lib/Stormen15-02-2021 w/ Brutter
Norway, Trondheim
New date:
w/ Brutter
(double bill w/ Inga M.Aas)
Norway, Oslo
New date:
(double bill w/ Hedvig Mollestad)
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk19-02-2021
New date:
w/ Brutter,
(double bill w/ Helga Myhr)
Norway, Oslo
Café MIR11-03-2021 w/ Brutter & Ivar Grydeland
Norway, Stavanger
Tou Scene14-03-2021 solo
other solos: Jonas Cambien, Anja Lauvdal, Ayumi Tanaka, Johan Lindvall)
Norway, Oslo
Cafeteatret/Kampenjazz30-04-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Inderøy
Soddjazz16-06-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/ Inga M.Aas)
Norway, Oslo
Biermannsgården17-06-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/Hedvig Mollestad)
Norway, Oslo
Kafe Hærverk20-06-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/Helga Myhr)
Norway, Oslo
Cafe MIR10-07-2021 w/Anna Petrini and Qarin Wikström
Denmark, Copenhagen
Koncertkirken08-08-2021 solo
(other solos: Ayumi Tanaka, Guoste Tamulynaite, Kjetil Jerve)
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk05-09-2021 w/Ståle Liavik Solberg and Tony Buck
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk10-09-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Tønsberg
Støperiet21-09-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Ultima Festival25-09-2021 w/Ståle Liavik Solberg and Sten Ove Toft
Norway, Oslo
Blå12-10-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
UK, London
Cafe Oto14-10-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Bremen
Supported by Neustart Kultur22-10-2021 solo piano
Sweden, Stockholm
Fylkingen, Mono Piano Festival26-10-2021 w/Dans les arbres
Norway, Oslo
BlowOut / Kafé Hærverk>29-10-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/Spill) Germany, Berlin
KM2803-11-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/Spill) Sweden, Göteborg
Brötz04-11-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/Spill) Sweden, Gerlesborgsskolan05-11-2021 w/Brutter
(double bill w/Spill) Norway, Lillehammer
Lillehammer Experimental10-11-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
D’Jazz Nevers festival16-11-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Ål
Ål Kulturhus20-11-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Lichtenstein, Eschen
Jazztage Eschen22-11-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, München
Schwere Reiter24-11-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Bodø
Stormen26-11-2021 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Belgium, Mechelen
BRAND! festival27-11-2021 Oslo String Quartet performs ‘In your study’ (WP)
Norway, Oslo
New date:
04-03-2022w/Dans les arbres
Germany, Cologne
Stadtgarten11-12-2021 w/Dans les arbres
Germany, Berlin
Ausland -
19-01-2022 w/Benedicte Maurseth, Håkon Stene, Mads Eilertsen
Norway, Bergen
Landmark20-01-2022 w/Benedicte Maurseth, Håkon Stene, Mads Eilertsen
Norway, Øystese
Kabuso21-01-2022 w/Benedicte Maurseth, Håkon Stene, Mads Eilertsen
Norway, Oslo
Riksscenen22-01-2022 w/Brutter & Ivar Grydeland
Norway, Oslo
Blå23-01-2022 w/Benedicte Maurseth, Håkon Stene, Mads Eilertsen
Norway, Moss
Kulturkirken03-02-2022 w/Dans les arbres
Switzerland, Luzern
Neubad04-03-2022 w/Dans les arbres
Germany, Cologne
Stadtgarten05-03-2022 w/Dans les arbres
Germany, Berlin
KM2806-04-2022 Solo, with C. Chaplin silent movie
Other silent movie solos:
Guoste Tamulynaite, Jonas Cambien, Liv Andrea Hauge
Norway, Oslo
Kulturhuset29-05-2022 w/Benedicte Maurseth, Håkon Stene, Mads Eilertsen
Norway, Bergen
Festspillene14-08-2022 w/Anna Petrini and Qarin Wikström
Sansusi Festival24-08-2022 w/ Nina De Heney and Ilan Volkov
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out Festival27-08-2022 Vestigia w/ESC youth company for contemporary dance. Choreographer: Anna Einemo Frøysland
Norway, Bergen
Scene USF28-08-2022 w/Sebastian Gramms and Etienne Nillesen
Germany, Cologne
Loft24-09-2022 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Tynset
Tynset Jazzklubb28-09-2022 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Double bill with Selma French Bolstad (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Gamle Raadhus Scene29-09-2022 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Double bill with Anne Hytta (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Gamle Raadhus Scene30-10-2022 Christian Wallumrød solo
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset01-11-2022 w/Liz Kosack and Philip Zoubek
Germany, Cologne
Loft03-11-2022 Christian Wallumrød solo
Belgium, Roborst
Otoro (reservation necessary: info@otoro.be)09-11-2022 w/Brutter
double bill with Kenneth Lien (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Cafe MIR14-11-2022 w/Brutter
double bill with Vilde Sandve Alnæs (solo)
Norway, Oslo
Kafe Hærverk13-11-2022 solo
Pianoforum with 4 solo acts (Alex Zethson, Ingfrid B. Nyhus, Ellen Ugelvik, Chr Wallumrød) Norway, Oslo
Caféteatret/Kampenjazz17-11-2022 w/Brutter
Spain, Barcelona
L’Auditori25-11-2022 Hammer and Steel, duo with Ivar Grydeland (pedal steel-guitar)
Norway, Oslo
Norwegian Academy of Music04-12-2022 solo, xmas gathering (multiple bill with various other bands)
Norway, Oslo
Kampenjazz -
19:00Vestigia w/ESC youth company for contemporary dance
Choreographer: Anna Einemo Frøysland
Norway, Bergen
Scene USF15-01-2023
14:00Vestigia w/ESC youth company for contemporary dance
Choreographer: Anna Einemo Frøysland
Norway, Bergen
Scene USF28-01-2023 Vestigia w/ESC youth company for contemporary dance
Choreographer: Anna Einemo Frøysland
Norway, Sandane
Trivselshagen25-02-2023 Vestigia w/ESC youth company for contemporary dance
Choreographer: Anna Einemo Frøysland
Norway, Lærdal
Lærdal Kulturhus01-03-2023 Brutter
Norway, Bergen
Playdate04-03-2023 solo (double bill w/Liv Andrea Hauge Trio)
Norway, Oslo
Victoria14-03-2023 w/Jan Martin Gismervik
Norway, Oslo
BlowOut, Kafé Hærverk15-03-2023 Brutter
Norway, Kristiansand
Kristiansand Jazzvesen/Ny Musikk18-03-2023 Dans les arbres
Norway, Nesodden
Skoklefall kirke/Nesodden Jazzklubb25-03-2023 solo (morning concert)
Norway, Hamar
Domkirkeodden29-03-2023 solo (triple solo bill w/Harald Svensson, Sten Sandell)
Sweden, Göteborg
Brötz21-04-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Czeck Republic, Brno
Faun Festival26-04-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Finland, Turku
Sibelius Museum27-04-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Sweden, Stockholm
Musikaliska Kvarteret28-04-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Norway, Trondheim
Dokkhuset09-05-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Sweden, Malmo
Victoriateatern10-05-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Denmark, Aarhus
Helsingør Teater/Radar11-05-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Denmark, Odense
Dexter12-05-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
double bills with Lovisa Samuelsson
Denmark, Copenhagen
Xenon, Huset14-05-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Switzerland, Bern
Bee-flat15-05-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Switzerland, Zürich
Moods20-05-2023 w/Vilde & Inga
Norway, Kvinnherad
Vestafor28-05-2023 solo
17:30 and 19:30
Norway, Bergen
Siljustøl, Festspillene31-05-2023 Cikada Social Club/Pianoforum w/Kenneth Karlsson, Guoste Tamulynaite, Jon Balke, Anja Lauvdal, Christian Wallumrød
Norway, Oslo
Cikada Studio16-06-2023 w/Fra Det Onde
Norway, Oslo
Motvind, Victoria26-08-2023 Brutter w/Sheriffs of Nothingness
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out Festival, MIR14-09-2023 Dans les arbres
Norway, Oslo
Ultima festival21-09-2023 solo
Norway, Ål
Kulturhus22-09-2023 solo
Sweden, Halmstad
Bibliotek23-09-2023 solo
Sweden, Kungsbacka
Teater24-09-2023 with Vilde & Inga and Jan Martin Gismervik
Norway, Oslo
Kampenjazz27-09-2023 Dans les arbres
Switzerland, Bern
05-10-2023 with Benedicte Maurseth "Harr"
Belgium, Turnhout
12-10-2023 Brutter
release concert for the album Outta
Norway, Oslo
Dunk22-10-2023 solo
Norway, Trondheim
Folkebibliotek23-10-2023 with Olaf Olsen & Karl Bjorå
Norway, Trondheim
Friform24-10-2023 solo
Norway, Inderøy
Kulturhus25-10-2023 solo
Norway, Grong
Kulturhus28-10-2023 Dans les arbres
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk04-11-2023 Dans les arbres
Germany, Cologne
09-11-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Haugesund
Bystyresalen10-11-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Bergen
Jazzforum11-11-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Stord
Jazzklubb12-11-2023 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Øystese
Kabuso30-11-2023 Dans les arbres
Canada, Guelph (ON)
ImprovLab (IICSI)01-12-2023 Dans les arbres
Canada, Hamilton (ON)
St Cuthbert’s Hamilton ( Zula Presents Something Else)02-12-2023 Dans les arbres
Canada, Ottawa (ON)
TBA03-12-2023 Dans les arbres
Canada, Halifax (NS)
The Music Room (suddenlyLISTEN)04-12-2023 Dans les arbres
double bill with Quatuor Bozzini
Canada, Montréal (QC)
Sala Rossa10-12-2023 Hammer and Steel (Ivar Grydeland & Christian Wallumrød)
Norway, Oslo (QC)
Biermann Sessions -
02-01-2024 w/Ingebrigt H. Flaten
Norway, Oslo
Blow Out, Kafé Hærverk12-01-2024 Tanja Orning & Christian Wallumrød
Norway, Oslo
All Ears Festival20-01-2024 Brutter
Netherland, Den Bosch
Willem Twee, Present #213-02-2024 w/Crush String Collective
Danmark, Copenhagen
Klub Primi14-02-2024 Hammer and Steel (Ivar Grydeland & Christian Wallumrød)
Norway, Oslo
Kafé Hærverk26-02-2024 Brutter
Norway, Moss
House of Foundation27-02-2024 Brutter
double bill with Westgaard/Hernandez/Strid
Danmark, Copenhagen
Klub Primi15-03-2024 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Den Bosch
Willem Twee16-03-2024 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Germany, Cologne
Stadgarten17-03-2024 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Netherland, Amsterdam
Note: afternoon concert, starts at 15:3021-03-2024 Hammer and Steel (Ivar Grydeland & Christian Wallumrød),
double bill with Emil Storløkken Åse
Norway, Nesodden
Ugla Studio04-04-2024 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Oslo
Victoria14-05-2024 Premiere: 'Sonett Idiot'
by choreographer Ingun Bjørnsgaard with Nagelhus Schia Productions.
Christian Wallumrød; composer and performer
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Opera15-05-2024 'Sonett Idiot'
by choreographer Ingun Bjørnsgaard with Nagelhus Schia Productions.
Christian Wallumrød; composer and performer
Norway, Oslo
The Norwegian Opera26-05-2024 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble and
Christian Wallumrød solo
Italy, Bologna
Angelica festival28-05-2024 S p a c e s
w/with Sebastian Gramss (bass) and Etienne Nillesen (snare drum)
Germany, Moers
tba29-05-2024 S p a c e s
w/with Sebastian Gramss (bass) and Etienne Nillesen (snare drum)
Germany, Bonn
Zentrifuge31-05-2024 S p a c e s
w/with Sebastian Gramss (bass) and Etienne Nillesen (snare drum)
Belgium, Eupen
KultKom01-06-2024 S p a c e s
w/with Sebastian Gramss (bass) and Etienne Nillesen (snare drum)
Belgium, Ghent
Citadelic Festival02-06-2024
18hS p a c e s
w/with Sebastian Gramss (bass) and Etienne Nillesen (snare drum)
Germany, Cologne
Stadtgarten06-06-2024 duo with Ingebrigt Håker Flaten
Norway, Kongsberg
Kongsberg Jazz Festival23-08-2024 Close Erase
Norway, Olso
Blow Out Festival31-08-2024 w/Vilde & Inga and Jan Martin Gismervik
Norway, Tønsberg
Nonfigurativ Musikk, Galleris Galleberg04-10-2024 solo live performance with silent movie
Italy, Milano
Cineteca15-10-2024 Hammer and Steel (Ivar Grydeland & Christian Wallumrød)
Germany, Berlin
KM2803-11-2024 Dans les arbres w/Yumiko Tanaka
France, Fresnes en Woevre
Densites06-11-2024 Dans les arbres w/Yumiko Tanaka
Norway, Trondheim
Rådhussalen/NyMusikk07-11-2024 Dans les arbres w/Yumiko Tanaka
Norway, Bergen
TBA/NyMusikk08-11-2024 Dans les arbres w/Yumiko Tanaka
Norway, Olso
Gamle Rådhus Scene/Periferien10-11-2024 Dans les arbres w/Yumiko Tanaka
Austria, Viennae
Echoraum/Wien Modern15-11-2024 Dans les arbres
Czech Rep., Prague
Alternativa Festival03-12-2024 Christian Wallumrød Ensemble
Norway, Kristiansand